An Apple a Day

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Rustic Cherry Small Square Cutting Board

I’m not so sure about the “an apple a day” thing, but I can tell you that late summer and early fall is all about the apple around here. Apple picking, apple pie, apple crisp, apple cider, what did I miss?

Cutting Board and Apple Crisp

Apple Crisp with Caramel by ZEAL

Did I mention that our neighbor is a CHEF? Check out Zeal – Alissa Hebert – she can’t get enough of baking, just ask her!

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Hay Baby

Hay run today and a quick visit with Willis – they are super busy.

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Woods Cider Mill

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Sweet Cider

Woods Cider Mill, they have quite the syrup, cider and jelly business. If you are not from this area, their products are available online.

Apple Festivals!!

Apples Carved Cutting Board


Speaking of Apple Festivals – Join Us for the 33rd Annual Vermont Apple Festival brought to you by the Springfield Regional Chamber of Commerce!Apple Festival 2015 (1)

We’ll have serving trays, cutting boards (small, medium and large) along with cribbage boards. Maybe a picture frame or two, all handmade by us.  The Springfield Farmer’s Market members will be there along with additional vendors. Should be a great time and we are certainly hoping for good turn out.


Photo by Arabella Gallery

Question: Do you think offering a free gift with purchase will make a significant difference in sales? Small maple syrup MapleSyrup-Fullor cider jelly? GiftBox A thank you gesture that supports another local business? Your advice is welcome, please leave your thoughts in the comment section below and thank you for stopping by. We appreciate you!

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